ESG Disclosure

A recent post on noted the increase in sustainability disclosure alongside traditional financial disclosure.  The movement, encouraged by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, allows investors a more complete picture of how companies behave as corporate citizens. Of particular note is the importance of third-party verification....

Innovation Districts

The National League of Cities (NLC) released a report on innovation areas within cities targeted to incubate creativity and build partnerships across sectors, highlighting Chattanooga.  Innovation Districts are urban planning models that catalyze economic growth by attracting entrepreneurs, highly skilled workers, and thought leaders. NLC...

Phi Identified

A recent article in Financial Advisor magazine asked if advisors are motivated to serve their clients.  The article highlighted research from the State Street Center for Applied Research and the CFA Institute which identified a new variable, phi, that influences investment outcomes.   Phi is an...

Climate Gentrification

Weather disproportionately affects those least able to afford it. Termed “climate gentrification”, the displacement of poor income residents by wealthier residents following weather-related disasters, is occurring throughout the country.   In an essay on, Christopher Flavelle highlights how housing authorities across the country are failing...